Home > United Spa Controls
United Spa Controls
 The Most Versatile Controls in the Spa Industry
Choose a C5 Spa Control below
United Spa Controls can be used to replace Recreational Factory Warehouse, Leisure Bay, Balboa, Gecko, S-Class, Spa Builders and more.
We can help you with choosing your spa control! If you don't already have a Spa Technician, we can advise you on how the C5 Spa Control can work with your existing hot tub equipment. You can email us Tech@spaquip.com or give us a call (727)944-5525 with any questions. Our Spa Technician has been in the industry for over 40 years. For replacement parts for your United Spa Control click here
United Spas B8 Power Circuit Board, Part No. EL148
Use with T7 or T8 topside
United Spas C5-B Digital Spa Control with Bottom Mount Heater. Includes T7 topside w/adapter plate, main pump cord and light cord.
Good replacement for Rec Warehouse, Leisure Bay, Balboa System 2000LE Value, HydroQuip and more. CB09T7
United Spas C5-B Digital Spa Control with Bottom Mount Heater. Includes T8-S topside w/adapter plate, main pump cord and light cord.
Good replacement for Rec Warehouse, Leisure Bay, Balboa Value 2000LE,HydroQuip, Gecko,Premium Leisure.
United Spas CT Digital Spa Control with heater on the top. Includes NEW T7 Topside. This spa control is a good replacement for Rec Warehouse, Leisure Bay, Balboa and more. New Model CT09T7 Available now!!
United Spas C6-G Digital Spa Control for Gas Heater System. Includes T7 topside, main pump cord and light cord.
Good replacement for most gas systems. CG11T7
United Spas C6-R Digital Spa Control with remote Heater. Includes T7 topside, main pump cord and light cord. Good replacement for most spa controls. CR11T7
United Spas C6-R Digital Spa Control with remote Heater. Includes main pump cord and light cord. Good replacement for most spa controls. CR11T7
United Spas C6-H Digital Spa Control Low-Flo 3/4"B Stainless Steel Horizontal 4kw Heater for use with low-flow circulation pumps. Replace Hydro Quip,Balboa,Jacuzzi,Sundance,Artesian,La Spas,Dimension One,Blue Ridge,Leisure Bay,Saratoga,Dynasty
United Spas C6-V Digital Spa Control Low-Flo 3/4"B Stainless Steel Vertical 4kw Heater for use with low-flow circulation pumps. Replace Hydro Quip,Balboa,Jacuzzi,Sundance,Artesian,La Spas,Dimension One,Blue Ridge,Leisure Bay,Saratoga,Dynasty
United Spas T7-S Topside Touch Control with Molex Plug. Replaces the T7 topside for the C5 Series Spa Control
United Spas T8-S Command Center (Replaces the T8-X). This topside is used with the C5 Series with the B8 circuit board. It can control up to 3 pumps or 2 pumps and an air blower. Use with the 10 PIN Molex cable.
United Spa Controls Topside Cable. 10 PIN to 10 PIN molex
Use with T7 and T8 topsides 2013 to present models.